第一步:向所在学院以及图书馆归还所借图书资料等。Step 1: Return the borrowed books and materials to the school and library. 第二步:递交毕业论文。Step 2: Submit the graduation thesis. 第三步:前往国际学生公寓办理退宿手续(校外住宿的学生无需办理),确认物品是否损坏,并注销门卡。Step 3: Check out of the international student apartment, confirm all goods are in satisfactory condition, and c...
第一步:学生准备相关材料:①伟德国际victor1946延长学制审批表 ②伟德国际victor1946选课申请表。Step 1: Documents Preparation:① CUMT Approval Form for Extension of Schooling ② CUMT Application Form for Course Selection. 第二步:前往学院本科教学管理办公室,教学秘书核算累计不及格学分并签字,学院副书记和教学副院长在延长学制审批表上签字。Step 2: The Undergraduate Teaching Management Office of the school...
第一步:学生准备相关材料:伟德国际victor1946结业审批表。Step 1: Documents preparation: CUMT Completion Approval Form. 第二步:前往学院本科教学管理办公室,教学秘书核算累计不及格学分并签字,学院副书记和教学副院长在结业审批表上签字。Step 2: The Undergraduate Teaching Management Office of the school will count the total failed credits and sign the form. The deputy secretary of and the deputy teach...
第一步:学生准备相关材料:①退学审批表 ②退课申请表 ③1寸照片(无肄业证书者不需提交照片)。Step 1:Documents Preparation: ① CUMT Approval Form for School Withdrawal ② CUMT Application Form for Course Withdrawal③ 1-inch photo (not required for those who do not have a Certificate of Attendance). 第二步:前往学院本科教学管理办公室,教学秘书核算应扣学分费,学院副书记和教学副院长在退学审批...
第一步:学生准备相关材料:①降级审批表 ②选课申请表 ③退课申请表。 Step 1: Documents preparation: ① CUMT Approval Form for Grade Repetition ② CUMT Application Form for Course Selection ③ CUMT Application Form for Course Withdrawal. 第二步:前往学院本科教学管理办公室审核降级资格及确定降级后班级名称,教学秘书核算不及格学分并签字,学院副书记和教学院长在降级审批表上签字。Step 2: ...
第一步:学生准备相关材料:①休学证明书 ②复学申请书 ③校医院开具的复学证明(非因病休学者不需要复学证明),去校医院开具证明时需提供县级以上医院开具的病例及康复诊断证明。Step 1: Documents preparation: ① CUMT Suspension Certificate ② CUMT Application Form for Resumption of Studies③ A Resumption Certificate issued by the school hospital (not required for students who are not on leave due t...
第一步:学生准备相关材料:①休学审批表 ②退课申请表或(及)缓考申请表 ③校医院开具的休学证明(非因病休学不需要),前往学生所在学院。 Step 1: Documents Preparation: ① Approval Form for Suspension of Studies ② Application Form for Dropping Courses or/and Application Form for Postponement of Examination ③ Suspension Certificate issued by the school hospital (not required for suspension...